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0.6/1kV polyvinyl chloride(PVC)insulated and protective covered powercable
(Including conventional,flame-retardant and fire-resistant types)
一、   产品特点及用途 Features and applications
聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆具有良好的电气性和化学稳定性,结果简 单,                                                                        使用方便。本产品适用于交流额定电压U0/U为0.6/1kV及以下的输配电电线路上。
PVC insulated and protective covered power cable,whose electirc property and chemical stability are excellent,is simple in structure and convenient in application.This manufactu is applicable to the transmission and supply line,of which the AC rated voltage Uo/U iS 0.6/1kV or lower level.
The flame-retardant power cable is not easily to catch fire and it can confine the fire in some limited area,therefore the cable is applicable to the places where the density of cable laying is high,such as generating station,subway,tunnel,high-rise building,large industrial and mining establishment,oil field,coal mine and so on.
The fire-resistant power cable is ,beside the power transmission under normal condition,can continue operating normally for some time when it catches fire,so it is applicable to the places which is concerned to the fire protection such as nuke,subway,tunnel,high-rise building and so on.
二、产品标准 Standards
本产品按GB/T 12706.1-2008或IEC 60502标准组织生产,还可按用户要求的其它标准生产。
阻燃型电缆除按上述标准外,其阻燃性能按GB/T 18380.3-2008或IEC 60332-3标准规定分成A、B、C、D四种不同的阻燃类别,A级类别的阻燃性能优,用户可根据需要选用。
 耐火型电缆的耐火性能按GB/T 19216.21-2003生产。
This manufacture is produced according to the standard GB/T 12706.1-2008 0r IEC 60502,and we can also manufacture it to meet your needs.
The flame-retardant power cable,besides the foregoing standard,its fire retardant is divided in to4 types,A,B, C and D,according to the standard GB/T 18380.3-2008 0r IEC 60332-3,of which A performances best.You can adopt anyone to meet you need.
The fire performance of the fire-resistant power cable is according to the standard GB/T 19216.21-2003.
三 、产品型号 Types of products
◆普通型电缆型号  * Conventional type
VV-铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆  VV -copper core,PVC insulated and protective covered power cable
VV22-铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 VV22 -copper core,armored,PVC insulated and protective covered power cable
◆阻燃型电缆型号  * Flame-retardant type
在普通型号电力电缆型号前加Z (A.B.C.D)   Add Z(A.B.C.D)before the conventional types
◆耐火型电缆型号  * Fire-resistant types type
在普通型电力电缆型号前加N  Add N before the conventional types
四、产品使用特性 0perating characteristics
(1)额定电压U0/-U为0,6/lkV。 rated voltage Uo/U is 0.6/lkV
(2)电缆导体的高额定温度为70℃。 maximum rated temperature of conductor is 70℃
(3)短路时(长持续时间不超过5S)电缆导体的高温度不超过160℃。maximum temperature when in short circuit(no Ionger than 5s) is 160℃
(4)电缆敷设时的环境温度应不低于0℃,其小弯曲半径如下:minimum surrounding temperature of cable laying is OoC,minimum bend radius is
     单芯电缆-20I(D+d),mm   singlecore cable-20(D+d),mm
多芯电缆-15(D+d),mm   multicore cable-15(D+d),mm
(D、d分别为电缆外径与主导体的标称直径,mm)(D and d are the external diameter ofcable and the nominal diameter ofconductor)
五、主要技术参数 Technical parameters
电缆载流量计算条件  The condition of current carrying capacity account
环境温度25℃  Surrounding temperatureis 25℃
电缆导体工作温度70℃ Operating temperature of conductor is 70℃
电缆埋地敷设时,土壤热阻系数g=1C.m/W,但尚未考虑电缆长期运行时由于水分迁移而导致土壤热阻系数升高 的现象。Soil thermal resistivity when Iaying the cable is g=l.0C.m/W (the rise of soil thermal resisitivtiy attribute to water migration when long operating is not taken into account.)
电缆埋地敷设时,电缆的轴心与地面距离为1000mm。The distance between cable axes and the ground when laying the cable is lOOOm
多跟电缆敷设时,电缆的轴心距离S=3D  The distance between two cable axes is S=3D

VV  Z(A.B.C.D)-VV         N-VV                              0.6/1

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